St Augustine's Foundation

Resourcing Theological Education for the Anglican Communion


Latest News


Empowering african theological educators

We were delighted to give an Innovation grant to enable a team of African Anglican Theological Educators to meet in Kenya in July 2024, for a collaborative consultation on priorities for mission and theological education in the next decade…

Partnering with CMS & Missio africanus

Since 2021, we have been partnering with Missio Africanus and CMS to enable a total of six students to train in their pioneer leadership training programme…

Training students at the Anglican University of Congo

In 2022, St Augustine’s Foundation gave an Innovation Grant to enable four students to study theology at the Anglican University of Congo over two years…

“To equip the saints for
the work of ministry”

— Ephesians 4.12


Each year the Foundation awards ten Fellowships to individuals who exercise an authorised ministry within a Province of the Anglican Communion to help fund projects or courses of study.

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Each year the Foundation awards two Scholarships for doctoral research to suitably qualified candidates from the Majority World in order to enhance theological learning within Provinces of the Anglican Communion.

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Innovation Fund

The Foundation works with partner institutions, provinces and dioceses to develop projects and initiatives to create innovative theological resources for the churches of the Anglican Communion.

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St Augustine Seminar

Supporting the ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Foundation sponsors the St Augustine Seminar in order to prepare for the Lambeth Conference.

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Lusophone Network

The Lusitanian Church of Portugal (ILCAE), the Churches of Mozambique and Angola within the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, and the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB) — have a total membership of 500,000. They remain, however, small minority Churches in their countries. It is thus especially important that they feel part of the family of Anglicanism, and know the support of being part of a global Communion.

That sense of belonging has been deepened in recent years by the formation of the Lusophone network, linking the four Churches. Solidarity, dialogue, and mutual learning lie at the heart of this “Communion within the Communion”. Key priorities are the strengthening of theological education, the development of theological and liturgical resources in Portuguese, and a profound commitment to environmental justice.


Building Partnerships
for mission and ministry

The St Augustine’s Foundation aims to strengthen the theological educational capacity of the Provinces of the Anglican Communion, particularly in the Majority World.
