Our work is supported by a group of dedicated Trustees and volunteers.
Board of Trustees
The Trustees bring a range of experience from the world of theological education and the wider Anglican Communion.
Professor Jennifer Strawbridge
The Revd Canon Tim Naish
Rev'd Dr Peniel Rajkumar
Trustee (USPG)
Mr David White
Venerable William Adam
The Rt Revd Dr Anderson Jeremiah
Dr Cathy Ross
Scholarship Committee
The work of the Trustees is supported by an international network of assessors who assist in the assessment and review of individual applications to the Foundation.
Revd. Dr Peniel Rajkumar
Chair (USPG)
Professor James Amanze*
University of Botswana
Bishop Titre Ande
Diocese of Aru, DRC
Rev Dr Robert Heaney
Virginia Theological Seminary
* former St Augustine Scholar
Professor Edison Muhindo Kalengyo
Uganda Christian University
Professor Esther Mombo
St Paul’s University, Limuru
Dr Stephen Spencer
Anglican Communion Office
Professor Jennifer Strawbridge
University of Oxford
Dr Mutharaj Swamy*
Cambridge Theological Federation
Dr Yak-hwee Tan
Tainan Theological College
Dr Paulo Ueti
Anglican Alliance
Professor Gerald West
University of KwaZulu-Natal
The Trustees are supported by an Administrator who is the first port of call for any correspondence or application to the Foundation.