
The fOundation supports individual scholars with the potential to become theological educators within the Anglican Communion.

The Foundation aims through its grants to strengthen the capacity of institutions within the Anglican Communion in the Majority World to provide high quality theological education for ordained and lay people.

Each year the Foundation will offer a limited number of Scholarships for doctoral research to candidates in the Majority World. Scholarships are granted on the understanding that the applicant will return to minister in the diocese or province which sponsored their application. The responsibility for their future deployment rests with the candidate, their province or diocese, and the institution where they study.

Applicants will need to:

  • Submit a detailed research proposal along with their application form. The research proposal, which may be in any area of theological inquiry, should have a clear focus.

  • Ensure it is a topic that can be adequately addressed in a thesis of 80,000 words and completed in a given time frame of 3-4 years.

  • Demonstrate that this area of research draws on their existing skills and knowledge. Further information about the details required for the research proposal can be found in an appendix to the application form.

  • Also submit a sample of their existing work (2,500 words) in support of their application.

The Foundation will allow a budget up to a maximum of £50,000 for the total course of study. No additional grants will be available to the candidate and fees will be paid annually and only on the submission of a satisfactory progress report from the training institution.

In order to qualify for a Scholarship candidates are required to make their application with the full support of:

  • their proposed training institution

  • their proposed supervisor

  • their Diocese and/or Province

Before making a formal application it is important to read carefully the Guidance Notes for Scholarship Applications at the end of the Application Form.

Then, discussions need to take place between the candidate, the Diocese and/or Province, and the training institution so that an agreed statement can be submitted as part of the application. Applications can be based on the offer of a provisional place at the institution ‘subject to funding’. It is important that all the paperwork is forwarded to the Administrator no later than 1st December each year.

Scholarships will not be awarded to support individuals who have already commenced their doctoral studies. The budget for Scholarships may include some support to visit families but the grant may not be used to provide support costs for family and dependants. We would anticipate that the sponsoring Province or Diocese would offer support to the applicant’s family.

When they have finished their studies, scholars are required to commit themselves to resourcing theological education across the Anglican Communion and be part of an alumni group.