In partnership with CMS and Missio Africanus
Since 2021, we have been partnering with Missio Africanus and CMS to enable a total of six students to train in their pioneer leadership training programme.
One student is Jacqueline Abbedu Baffoe: Jacqueline started studying with CMS in 2024 and is the first recipient of a bursary on the new African Christianity undergraduate certificate course. She is originally from The Gambia where she worked for many years with Scripture Union before moving to the USA where she is exploring church planting in her local community.
She writes:
“I have realised that my ministry experience is without appropriate academic rigour. I am confident it is now time for me to pursue some formal theological education to support my experience and help me become a more effective missionary in my current context. Being an African and having worked in African Christian contexts, I am hoping your African Christianity course will help me understand my history and equip me for doing ministry in the western context as an African.”
Another student is Rachel Karanja (see photo above). She has been studying with CMS since 2021 and she graduated from the African Christianity MA last year. She writes:
These scholarships have changed my life; if I hadn’t gotten my scholarship, I might not have continued with my studies. The skills and knowledge I acquired from this course will benefit both the current and future generations. After graduation I intend to become a champion of African Christianity, starting by establishing a cluster to study African heritage and spirituality, as well as write a book about how Africans may recover their cultural identity while inviting Christ to restore its negative aspects.